
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Stage 8: Response

After reading this editorial , I agree with Osama’s argument on Islamophobia. Whenever Islam is mentioned on the media, it is often linked with terrorism. The media helps in spreading bad news about Islam and does not focus on the good side. In Osama’s argument, he mentions the issue of Islamophobia spreading because the media often portrays Islam as something to be scared of. He effectively states the effects of the misuse of media, especially when it comes to educating people. People are likely to believe what they hear from the media, and when the media spreads news that Islam is linked to terrorism, they will believe it. Whether it be a movie or a news article, they will associate a Muslim with scary music or the shouting of “Allahu akbar!”, which only means “god is great!”. Osama says as a Muslim himself, people often give him a negative response because they are taught by the media to associate a Muslim with a terrorist. I agree with Osama because as a Muslim myself, I have ex...

Blog Stage 7: Combating climate change

One of the biggest issues arising in this world that the government should prioritize is combating climate change. Our newest president, Donald Trump, is not aiding in fighting climate change. Instead, he has been making former President Obama’s efforts inadequate by withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, as well as signing an executive order that would further get rid of Obama’s efforts to help climate change. Towards the end of last year, both the United States and China had officially joined the Paris Agreement , meaning that America had taken a step towards saving the environment. This is significant because these two countries together make up 40 percent of all global emissions . Though the Paris Agreement does not solve the problem as a whole, it does enable many countries to cut down a number of carbon emissions they produce. Carrying out this agreement will impede the disastrous effects of climate change and may also bring change to the future’s environment. Though this ...