Blog Stage 8: Response
After reading this editorial, I agree with Osama’s argument on Islamophobia. Whenever Islam is mentioned on the media, it is often linked with terrorism. The media helps in spreading bad news about Islam and does not focus on the good side. In Osama’s argument, he mentions the issue of Islamophobia spreading because the media often portrays Islam as something to be scared of. He effectively states the effects of the misuse of media, especially when it comes to educating people. People are likely to believe what they hear from the media, and when the media spreads news that Islam is linked to terrorism, they will believe it. Whether it be a movie or a news article, they will associate a Muslim with scary music or the shouting of “Allahu akbar!”, which only means “god is great!”.
Osama says as a Muslim himself, people often give him a negative response because they are taught by the media to associate a Muslim with a terrorist. I agree with Osama because as a Muslim myself, I have experienced the hate firsthand. If I am seen in public with my headscarf, I receive disapproving looks as well as people pulling their kids to get away from me. Their lack of knowledge on Islam causes them to think that I am a terrorist. It is important to inform the public on Islam so they know that it is a peaceful religion that is misrepresented.
I agree with Osama when he argues that President Donald Trump is making matters worse for Muslims because his attitude towards the religion is increasing the people's fear of it. Osama says that the passing of the “Muslim ban” has caused many more people to think that Islam is a terrifying religion. As he is an authority figure in America, people are likely to listen to what he has to say. His disapproval for Islam is publicly spread through the media, which enforces the idea of terrorism and Islam as the same. Osama also uses an article that shows the statistics of how much anti Muslim attacks has increased in the past year.
In the history of America, there has always been the “other group” that has experienced exclusion or resentment, which includes the African American, Catholics, and Japanese immigrants. In this era and time, Muslims is now one of the “other groups” that have experienced an increase in discrimination and exclusion. Osama states that this is slowly changing because the use of Muslims being portrayed as villains in films has changed, which can hopefully reinforce the idea that Islam does not mean terrorism. I agree with this statement, and I hope that we can use the media to educate people on the truth about Islam and get rid of their fear.