Blog Stage 7: Combating climate change

One of the biggest issues arising in this world that the government should prioritize is combating climate change. Our newest president, Donald Trump, is not aiding in fighting climate change. Instead, he has been making former President Obama’s efforts inadequate by withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, as well as signing an executive order that would further get rid of Obama’s efforts to help climate change.

Towards the end of last year, both the United States and China had officially joined the Paris Agreement, meaning that America had taken a step towards saving the environment. This is significant because these two countries together make up 40 percent of all global emissions. Though the Paris Agreement does not solve the problem as a whole, it does enable many countries to cut down a number of carbon emissions they produce. Carrying out this agreement will impede the disastrous effects of climate change and may also bring change to the future’s environment.

Though this progress may be slow, I still think it is possible to save the environment, especially with these steps America has been taking towards the problem. One very important aspect that a nation like ours needs in order to make this progressess is a supportive leader. While Obama was our president, he was able to take steps to improve this nation's environment such as joining the Paris Agreement. He also proposed the Clean Power Act policy, which also takes large steps towards saving the environment. With this act, carbon emissions from power plants would be reduced because it limits the amount of carbon pollution being emitted into the atmosphere. To reduce the pollution, this plan gives options to use renewable energy and natural gases instead of coal. Since Trump is not supportive of preserving the environment, it has been difficult to take steps towards doing so. He has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement and also pulled back from the Clean Power Act, ruining Obama’s efforts to save the environment. In order for us to fight climate change, this country will need a leader who is able to prioritize saving the environment so that we are able to make progress.


Read said…
Arafa, I completely agree that climate change is a huge issue that Trump is underestimating, but I believe you are underestimating Trump as well. Trump isn't pulling out of these environmental policies because he's evil, but it's because he believes it is the best option to "make America great again". Trump has stated before that he believes climate change is a hoax created by China to obtain an economic advantage over other countries. Therefore, Trump is planning on leaving the Paris Agreement and pulling out of the Clean Power Act not because he doesn't care about the environment, but because Trump wants America to be the best. In his mind, a deceptive China is infuriating. He does not want to be deceived by China's propaganda, so he is doing everything he can to make sure America is not being slowed down by foreign relations. Neglecting climate change will help the economy, create more jobs, and make power cheaper. As one of the most powerful countries in the world, Trump is not setting a good example to developing countries. Greed and selfishness are shown through many of Trump's actions in office. Even if the actions will "make America great again", it is separating the country and isolating the U.S. to the world.

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